from a very long hiatus. A VERY LONG, TOO LONG hiatus!
Life is what happens in between postings.
Apparently, I haven't been managing life too well these days (or for the past year). If I had been, I would have made time to do something I this blog!
So, starting today, I'm going to make time to write about our lives...again! No one may ever read this blog, and that is fine by me!!! I created this blog as a way for my children to see themselves through my eyes...50 years from now. I lost sight of this fact. I'm back. With FOCUS!
Today's focus...Peyton. My 7, soon-to-be, 8-year-old Favorite Firstborn. Words escape me when I try to describe him. How is that possible? He's so many things that a few words can't capture it all. He wants to be so many things that words can't capture it all. he wants to do so many things that words can't capture it all. There are simply not enough great, fabulous, beautiful words to describe him and his little life.'s some pictures...I'll let the pictures speak a thousand words!

I love my little man more than words can express. We're in full swing of 2nd grade, baseball, Church and more, yet somehow, he manages to keep up and not get too much of an attitude.