weekend is supposed to be a time of relaxation. A celebration of sort's for the last weekend of Summer.
"Supposed to be" are the key words.
What began as a weekend intended for relaxing, quickly became a weekend of "we've got to get our house clean." Oh, and take our little Brooke to the vet (our little Brooke is going to Broke us)...
I thought I kept a fairly neat house. Thought. But, clearly, after this weekend's cleaning spree, I am wrong. wrong. wrong. And, we didn't even touch the things that just need to be given to Goodwill.
We cleaned the carpets, dusted every nook and cranny, windexed every window, cleaned every inch of every bathroom and there's still more to do. More that we didn't do. And, oh, somehow managed to find the time to decorate my Sunday School classroom and buy a new pair of jeans (very important tasks -- yes, the decorating part)!
But, amongst all the cleaning, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Chris and Jody came to visit us. As my Mom said, "At least I know you two can get along without me being around." You did good Mom. And Chris did good when he asked Jody to be his wife:) She's the perfect sis-in-law and Aunt...and she puts up with Chris! I would have killed him by now (JK) -- although he is really good a technical stuff. So thanks to him, he fixed our Wii, cleaned our computer, secured our WiFi and even managed a little Star Wars lego building time with Peyton.
Chris and Jody were so sweet. They watched the boys for us while we went to a 40th birthday surprise party -- did I just say that. We've officially reached that age, that it's not our parent's friends turning 40...it's our friends. WOW! But, we did feel like teenagers that night. Getting to go out and party without having to pay someone to watch the kids...ROCK ON!
Of course, we always try to make their visit memorable (the last time they came, they got engaged), so we arranged for them to see Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman at Starbucks (ok, no not really, but dang, we've lived here for 4 years and never seen anyone like that). Pushed them to eat at my favorite restaurant -- Whiskey Kitchen. We even made it to the pool and managed to grill out and eat some awesome Paula Deen Mac & Cheese:) The boys L-O-V-E Jody. So with a little chanting -- stay one more night, stay one more night -- (and Uncle Chris' mistake on the location of their next "intended" stop), they decided to stay another night! After some talk about Peyton staying up all night to wish on a shooting star, Jody left the boys the sweetest message:

What a weekend...whew. I need a Non-Labor Day weekend from my Labor Day weekend!
WE ARE Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have Chris and Jody in our lives. What a great visit,
PS...Little Brooke is having surgery right now. Praying all goes well!!!!
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