Arise, My Love...the grave no longer has a hold on you. No more death's sting. No more suffering. Arise! Arise! Arise!
I should be ashamed...very ashamed for not having posted a blog for almost a year. WOW!
All I can say is that I'm busy...and beautifully blessed to be busy. Living Life. With my precious family!
This past Saturday, while rehearsing with the choir -- yes, I joined the choir (And yes, I'm just a filler. While I believe my voice to be that of an Angel, I know the ultimate truth...I'm a filler:) -- I was given the opportunity to share our story of how we found Brentwood Baptist Church. What an amazing experience...speaking in front of 300 people sharing a story only God could create! And while I tried to get out of speaking, God (and Dennis...our music minister) had other plans. So very thankful God gave me the words to say to help inspire a beautiful, worship-filled choir. Singing with the choir on Easter Sunday definitely goes in my book as one of the most amazing worship experiences. EVER!
If you didn't know it...I love Easter. It's my FAVORITE holiday. I have a Spring baby (Peyton). I have a child named Palmer (Palm Sunday). I've usually given up something for Lent (this year, it was flour and fried foods, which proved to be one of the hardest things I've ever done...did I mention the loss of 6 lbs;) which means I've met a goal I probably complained about not believing I would make. And most importantly, He is Risen!!!!! From something so awful to something so wonderful -- Three Days. HE IS RISEN!
This Easter, we missed the beautiful sun and warmth Florida typically provides, but thankful we didn't miss the worship. We watched the Passion of the Christ with the boys on Good Friday (seemed only appropriate), discussed in detail all that Jesus gave up for us and watched as our Peyton really, really understood what Jesus did for much so that he put aside his shyness to actually have a conversation with the Children's Minister (Mr. Matthew, who by the way is a Gator fan, but the one Peyton has chosen to talk to) about his accepting Christ into his heart (we've struggled with this for two years, as he's shy and is scared to be baptized).
All in all, it was an beautiful Easter. One for the memory books. One for the blog.
Already looking forward to next Easter!!!
Truly Thankful and Beautifully Blessed for what God gave us...his Son.
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