This is our home in Nashville. We saw it one time before we bought it. My advice...don't ever do that. We love our home and our neighborhood, but not remembering what our house looked like before we moved in kind of sucked!
But, after a tramatic move, we made it up here...Brent had to video tape the house for me to remember what it looked like.
After a few months of painting every room in the it is in partial form...more pictures to come.
Enjoy the tour...
But, after a tramatic move, we made it up here...Brent had to video tape the house for me to remember what it looked like.
After a few months of painting every room in the it is in partial form...more pictures to come.
Enjoy the tour...
Our Welcome's from a really cute store called "Hot Pink."

This is my baby shrine room...or so Brent calls it.

A little bit of a picture freak...

More pictures...

Our Eat-in Kitchen...yes, the highchair is long gone, but great memories!

Our living room...when it's nice and neat. Disney is still on the TV most of the time.

I wasn't kidding about the whole picture freak thing...

See, still not kidding about the pictures!

Palmer's room...we really need to update with the bunk beds, but Brent really did make those surboards. Hand made, Hand painted by my very own talented hubby...

Guest 1/2 bathroom...

There are more pictures to come. We've finally almost finished the backyard. The guest bedroom and bathroom are done, along with the boys' bathroom. Oh, and the upstairs play area/entertainment room and office are also done. Now, I just need to clean them, so I can take some pictures:)
We love our home in Nashville. It's different that our Florida home, but that's part of what makes our world up here so different and special!
We are truly blessed to have our beautiful home.
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