This is what I said to the washing machine repair man when he told me about the things below -- a huge hole in the tub, a crack ALL the way down the side and a water pressure gage not working...GREAT! $900 dollars to repair. I can buy a new one for that!

Ugh. Great. Now I get to haggle with Whirlpool and HH Gregg. Great. Just Great.
AND, to top it off. We found out today that the trip we thought we were getting for Brent's award isn't happening. Double Great!
What a crappy day. Officially.
Not so blessed today,
Chasity phone call to Whirlpool is not going to be a nice one!
So sorry about the trip and the washer. If it makes you feel ANY better our 10 year anniversary was spent in the house with 2 one month old babies. Bummer
20 year, here we come!!
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