Thursday, August 18, 2011


at Angry Birds...

These cute little birds are angry at pigs. While they're trying to take down pigs, I'm trying to get my kid's attention...just a little.

This morning I told them I loved them four times, to which, I received NO REPLY. NO REPLY to an I LOVE YOU...What?! So, I then said, Have a great day. Be good. Learn lots. Play hard. NO REPLY. The kicker...only one of them was actually playing the game, the other little one (he-who-must-not-be-named...Palmer) was just watching. GEEZ!

So, little birds here's my message to you: You're cute. You're determined. But, when you're tired, can you send my kids back to me? Please?! Otherwise, your little app, might be deleted. Possibly. I can play with you and still cook dinner, watch a show, and yell at the boys all at one time...

Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have Angry Birds when I really need my kids to be "entertained" for a few minutes!