Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our World...

Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus...

I have to tell this story, so that one day, I can remember how overprotective I was in my younger years...

This is gross and probably way too much information, but it seems as though my little Palmer has never met a bathroom that he didn't need to go poopie in...this of course held true while we were at dinner last night.

Right in the middle of dinner, Palmer said, "I need to go potty." Then Peyton said, "I need to go potty too." So off they went, all three of my boys...a few seconds later, Brent came back to the table WITHOUT the boys. He took a bite of his food. I, of course, looked at him with this look of "What are you doing?" He calmly said, "They both had to go poopie...figures." My reaction..."Where are they and what are you doing at the table? You don't EVER walk off and leave our children in a bathroom, in a public place by themselves when you can not CLEARLY see them." His reaction, "What is wrong with you?" This last statement fueled an argument that lasted the rest of dinner...of course, from my point of view -- I couldn't stress enough how there are bad people in this world and you should NEVER not have your kids in your line of vision at all times. Brent's point of view -- they were locked in the stalls and he could see the bathroom door from where we were sitting (the door, not the kids, just whether or not the door opened).

The way I see it, there are two apparent problems with last night's events...1) men and women are just different. Women stress, Men are more laid back...Why is this? 2) The world we live in is full of mean/evil people...

I hate that we do not live in the times when we were growing up. I remember the days of walking to my friend's house and being gone for hours, roaming around in the woods behind our house, hiding in the clothes racks at stores, going to the bathroom by myself and sitting in the car while my mom or dad ran into the store to get something...all these things and my Mom never freaked out (ok, I remember one time, but other than that...she was just happy to be rid of me). Today, however, I would NEVER let my kids walk to anyone's house that I didn't have a direct line of site to see, NEVER let them in the woods without me (they might get lost), I don't take them shopping b/c when they start hiding and I can't see them, I panic, and no way are they going to the bathroom without me standing at least right next to the door (for some reason, they are now refusing to go into the women's bathroom) and well, the government intervened on the whole leaving your child in the car that won't EVER be done.

My mom was not a bad mom for not freaking out. It was just a different day and time. Nowadays, you can't trust anyone. Which is a sad state of affairs. I feel sad that my kids might NEVER know freedom...shoot, the way the world is, I might be going to college with them, just to make sure they stay safe and no one hurts them!

I hate that there are so many bad people in the world. I hate that I have to be this way. Will I grow out of this? Will it ever get easier to trust and know that my children will be ok without me?

I hate that I can't be more laid back and trust that my children will be ok without me. I hate that I let something like that ruin our dinner out. I hate that I can't protect my children from every little bad thing that might and probably will at some point happen to them!

Maybe I need to trust that GOD is watching over them more than me... Maybe I need to let go a little. Maybe I need to take Brent's advice and relax. OR maybe not...

WE are TRULY BLESSED that nothing bad has happened to our children. I pray that we'll be blessed with safety and healthiness their entire lives,

PS...They are lucky I don't follow them into the Men's bathroom!


Mrs Montoya said...

Oh my friend - I am right there with ya. I try and try to be more laid back and I just CAN NOT! I panic constantly that something awful is going to happen to my babies and I wish I didn't. It is the world we live in and all we can do is try our best to make it safe and happy for them.