It's that time of year and boy, am I, I mean we, are ready:) This Summer has been an absolute blast. We have utilized every moment of this Summer to play and spend time by the pool. One month ago, I wasn't ready for school to start, but the Lord has perfect timing and knows when it is time for a change...and it is time.
Palmer started his 4K class on Monday. He had on just the cutest little outfit. Since Palmer, my Summer baby, has just had surfboards in his life since before he was born, I thought this little shirt that says, "I'd Rather Be Surfing" was perfect for the first day of 4K. He was excited to begin his new class, with his new teacher Mrs. Geri! It's amazing what a new room, new toys, new teacher can do...the plus side, he has sign his own name every morning...too cute!

After a crazy week of Peyton being out of school with no camp, joining me at work for the entire week and him not feeling well (but finally breaking his fever last night) and oh, a birthday party in the works, boy, was I ready for this morning to come...
Peyton started 1st grade this morning!!!!! We went on Wednesday afternoon to meet his teacher, Mrs. Melin. Amazingly enough, she is from Florida and both her and her husband went to Florida if that isn't the Lord answering prayers, I don't know what is. I do know, however, that we are very excited about this school year!!!! Although Peyton and Cannon (his best friend) did not get to be in the same class (which we thought might happen), he handled it well and said, "I have the nicest teacher in 1st grade." That made my heart melt.

I say it every day, but this week I really mean it (as if I didn't the other times)...I can't believe I have a 6 year old and a 3 (turning 4 tomorrow) year old! Time flies. You blink and poof, time is gone!!!
I'm praying for amazing year for our family!!!!

I'm praying for amazing year for our family!!!!
TRULY BLESSED on this Friday as both boys are going to be well taken care of, even though I won't be with them!!!
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