Woo hoo. One of my favorite times of the year...of course I say that when every new season begins (except maybe Winter...love the snow, hate the snow)!
Unfortuntely, it's still REALLY hot right now. Unseasonably hot according to the weathermen on TV. I'm ready for the cool weather. Ready for the leaves to change color. Ready for Halloween. Pumpkins. Thanksgiving. Turkeys. Fall pictures. READY!
Of course, when Fall hits, that's also when it feels like the start of the "Merry Chaosmas" season begins. In the meantime, we're going to enjoy every minute of Football Season, Fall Baseball, Hunting Season and so on...
Fall Break for the boys will be here soon -- trip to Florida, Florida State Football game...already counting down the days.
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have Seasons...
PS...Browns, Golds, Maroons...all beautiful Fall colors are about to shine through...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
It's Fall...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
No more...
soccer for our family (or Palmer)!
You know, according to the title of this blog -- Discovering God's Perfect Plan and Amazing Sense of Humor Each and Everyday -- we are constantly discovering God's perfect plan. Sometimes it takes a while for us to discover his plan...
Nope. Not. this. time.
On Thursday, after a very stressful evening of soccer (with multiple breakdowns from Palmer throughout the one hour practice), homework, etc., I'd had enough. Something in our crazy, fast-paced life needed to change. Granted, I could easily give up my 4:45 workouts (to get an extra hour of sleep, but truthfully, I like my hour of quiet workout...it's peaceful at 4:45 a.m.) So, I prayed. Prayed that God would somehow put an end to the craziness and let us gain a little control. I think at that time, I knew what needed to happen, but couldn't make the call...
And then, Saturday happened...
You know those people on the TV shows that you see fighting at their kid's game -- you know, the ones...that all the parents are looking at, while shoving their kids in the opposite direction because the ones fighting have clearly lost it. That was Brent and I at Palmer's Soccer Game. I laugh about it now. But at the moment that I just got up and left the game in the middle of the game, I was not laughing.
It seems in our haste to integrate Palmer into the world of "extracurricular activities," we forgot to ask him...do you want to do this?! But, you know, children have a way of telling us things. Sometimes we listen. Sometimes we don't. This time, we did!
He clearly didn't want to be playing Soccer -- that was apparent when the coach sent him out of the game for a "break," asked him to go back in the game and a minute later when the coach asked the other kids who wanted a break, Palmer asked for his break. 1 minute of playing and he was ready. His lack of effort about drove Brent crazy, which in turn drove me crazy, which in turn led to "big ears" Peyton making a comment that sent me right over the edge. Yep, I left. Got so angry, that I left. Jumped in the car, drove home and called my Mom crying. Crying. Crying so hard my Mom couldn't understand what I was saying. That's bad. Very bad.
So, after some apologizing by Brent and a quick "Palmer do you want to play soccer?" with a resounding "No!" We made the call. No more soccer. Just like that. God showed us His plan. And the craziness ended. And, I didn't even feel bad about it.
Got also revealed his other plan -- Palmer + Wednesday night KidsLife at Church = A great evening. Since Palmer wasn't playing Soccer anymore (thankfully), and since Peyton has baseball practice on Wednesday nights, we decided I'd take Palmer to KidsLife (45 minutes of music, 30 minutes of games, 30 minutes of storytime) at Church. The first 10 minutes included our typical "I don't want to do this" breakdown, which then ended with crying, which then ended with him finally going into the room with the other 20 kids already in the class making "musical instruments" out of plastic bottles and rice. I stayed for the music portion and when they left to play games, I snuck out. Went back an hour later and this was what I heard, "Palmer, did you have fun?" "Yes!" "Do you want to go back?" Yes! Yes! At which point, he wore his artwork around his neck as a necklace and proudly showed it to Brent when he got home.
God had a plan and it didn't include Soccer. Thankfully.
So, we're no longer those crazy parents yelling at each other. The Lord is in control and our little Palmer, well, he's learning the Lord's ways and the perfect plans He has for our lives.
No more soccer...we're all ok with that!
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have a God that is not afraid to "make the call" for us,
PS...the Church is crazy on Wednesday nights...WOW at the children that were there!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Friday, September 17, 2010 1 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Labor Day...
weekend is supposed to be a time of relaxation. A celebration of sort's for the last weekend of Summer.
"Supposed to be" are the key words.
What began as a weekend intended for relaxing, quickly became a weekend of "we've got to get our house clean." Oh, and take our little Brooke to the vet (our little Brooke is going to Broke us)...
I thought I kept a fairly neat house. Thought. But, clearly, after this weekend's cleaning spree, I am wrong. wrong. wrong. And, we didn't even touch the things that just need to be given to Goodwill.
We cleaned the carpets, dusted every nook and cranny, windexed every window, cleaned every inch of every bathroom and there's still more to do. More that we didn't do. And, oh, somehow managed to find the time to decorate my Sunday School classroom and buy a new pair of jeans (very important tasks -- yes, the decorating part)!
But, amongst all the cleaning, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Chris and Jody came to visit us. As my Mom said, "At least I know you two can get along without me being around." You did good Mom. And Chris did good when he asked Jody to be his wife:) She's the perfect sis-in-law and Aunt...and she puts up with Chris! I would have killed him by now (JK) -- although he is really good a technical stuff. So thanks to him, he fixed our Wii, cleaned our computer, secured our WiFi and even managed a little Star Wars lego building time with Peyton.
Chris and Jody were so sweet. They watched the boys for us while we went to a 40th birthday surprise party -- did I just say that. We've officially reached that age, that it's not our parent's friends turning 40...it's our friends. WOW! But, we did feel like teenagers that night. Getting to go out and party without having to pay someone to watch the kids...ROCK ON!
Of course, we always try to make their visit memorable (the last time they came, they got engaged), so we arranged for them to see Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman at Starbucks (ok, no not really, but dang, we've lived here for 4 years and never seen anyone like that). Pushed them to eat at my favorite restaurant -- Whiskey Kitchen. We even made it to the pool and managed to grill out and eat some awesome Paula Deen Mac & Cheese:) The boys L-O-V-E Jody. So with a little chanting -- stay one more night, stay one more night -- (and Uncle Chris' mistake on the location of their next "intended" stop), they decided to stay another night! After some talk about Peyton staying up all night to wish on a shooting star, Jody left the boys the sweetest message:

What a weekend...whew. I need a Non-Labor Day weekend from my Labor Day weekend!
WE ARE Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have Chris and Jody in our lives. What a great visit,
PS...Little Brooke is having surgery right now. Praying all goes well!!!!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Tuesday, September 07, 2010 0 comments
Monday, August 30, 2010
About time...
that I started blogging again...
Apparently, my mind just decided that since it's called "Summer Break" that I should take a break from blogging. Apparently.
This past Summer just flew by. It was like a blur. It seems we were really busy this Summer. Not to mention, it was HOT. VERY HOT. UNUSUALLY HOT. ALL. THE. TIME. Maybe it was the heat (that's my story and I'm sticking to it), but I was even a slacker at going to the pool. I know. My titles of "Sun Goddess" and "Pool Wife" were lost (or at least that's what all of our friends say)! Now, of course, I'm wishing I could get Summer back. Ugh...can't ever be happy.
Well, nothing I can do about it now. Except try to relive it through this blog.
Since I rarely ever take a lunch break while at work, I've decided that I'm going to spend at least one lunch hour during the week updating my blog -- after all, the whole point of this is to be a diary of sorts for the boys to "remember" what their lives were like at every age. So, with that being said, stay tuned. I'm going back to the beginning of Summer and will slowly, but surely, update you guys on our Summer of Fun, Heat and everything else.
Really quick...updates from this weekend -- Brent went alligator hunting, leaving me and the boys to ourselves. We did a little bit of everything this weekend. Friday, Palmer and I partied by the pool with the neightbors, while Peyton weazled an invitation out of his best friend to go skating. We were lazy Saturday morning, but finally gathered enough energy to go to the pool for a few hours, go see Nanny McPhee Returns (which has now become one of my all-time favorite children's movies) and dinner at Moe's. This also happened to be our first Sunday of not having Brent to help me on Sunday morning before Church. Whew. Never thought I'd enjoy getting up at 5 a.m. on a Sunday morning, but it's all worth it. We were actually early to Church, so the boys helped me get ready for the babies. I managed to get them to Sunday School on time, and we even went to Cracker Barrel for lunch (to have breakfast...and no one killed each other while waiting for our table). And to top it all off, we donated a big old bag of groceries to GraceWorks -- the mission arm of church collecting food for children on reduced lunch plans to take home over and eat on the weekends. The drop-off times -- 1 to 6 -- we got there a little early at 12:45 and there was already a line...WOW!
Anyway, stay tuned. Posts and Pictures are a coming...
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful,
PS...So ready to not be a single Mom anymore!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Monday, August 30, 2010 0 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
where has this Summer gone?
Why are we always in such a hurry when Summer should be "lazy"?
Why has it been so hot that it makes us not even want to go to the pool?
What happened to the body I had just 3 years ago and why does it look "bad" in a swimsuit?
Why is it that in the 2nd week of July, I'm already thinking about school supplies, uniforms and after-school care?
Why is it that I feel the need to make my child do "workbooks" during the Summer?
WOW...a ton of questions of which I don't want to have think about, worry about or deal with...I just want to enjoy the Summer. Darn it!
It's going to be Fall very soon and we're going to wish we had Summer back, but all we do during the Summer is get ready for the Fall.
Today is obviously filled with frustration and questions. So, I've decided to write Summer a letter and ask a few things...
Dear Summer ~
We love when you get here. Pools open. No homework. Summer camps. Lazy Friday nights by the pool. Saturday cook-outs. But, I have to ask...why do you have to go so soon? It seems like our time together just goes by way too fast. And, of course, the heat doesn't help things at all (can you do something about this ridiculous heat we're having?).
Please, stick around for a while. Pull up a chair. Grab some sweet tea and let's hang out. No laundry. No cleaning the house. No ridiculous heat. No worring about back to school. No responsibilities. Just you and us working on a nice tan while listening to the children giggle, laugh and splash us with Cannon Balls.
Think we can make this happen? If you try, I'll try.
Thank you!
Your Summertime friend,
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Friday, July 23, 2010 0 comments
Monday, May 31, 2010
He's 41...
Fourty-One. 4-1. 41...
May 31, 1969 was a big day for Brenton Lynn Phillips.
May 31, 2010 was a relaxing day for Brenton Lynn Phillips.
We celebrated by going to beach! Yeah, we celebrate big around the Phillips house!
So, while at the beach, we went over to Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Linda's house for a little celebration -- to make it even better, they live on the water. SWEET. So, we ate. We visited. We played. We fished. We celebrated (with cake). We swam. We had a great time! Happy 41st Birthday to my sweet Brent (and to his Mama for giving birth to him -- it's a big day for her too)!

(To be honest, not sure how much of a "helper" the little one was!)

Yes, I know the hat looks stupid, but I'm getting older, so I'm allowed to look stupid every now and again.
What a great day...and even more fun days are ahead of us. Stay tuned. Cool pics coming your way!
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to be married to a 41-year-old man that acts like he's 18 (all the time),
PS...He keeps life interesting. I think I'll keep him!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Monday, May 31, 2010 0 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
Two in One...
night on the last day of 1st Grade.
Peyton lost his first two teeth...WOW! After months of being asked, "When am I going to loose a tooth?" it finally happened. TWO IN ONE NIGHT. Of course, the two happened, because Brent pulled the WRONG tooth the first time (luckily it was ready to come out, just not quiet as ready as the RIGHT tooth)! We were actually kind of shocked that Peyton let Brent pull the second tooth, considering he got the wrong tooth the first time.
Of course, me being me, I tried to capture it all on camera (in between gagging at the site of watching Brent pull the tooth and seeing the blood). I wish I was like my friend Sarah and could handle the blood, etc..., but I can't so, I tried to get pictures1 without really looking at what I was aiming at...makes sense right?!
Here's the action:

My baby isn't a baby anymore! His top 2 teeth are loose too...it won't be long now. I guess getting those Dina pictures done back in March was a really good idea!
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have captured all of this on film (and to have had the cash at the right time when I needed it),
PS...I never carry cash, but I've been keeping a $5 tucked away for this very night. YAY me for being prepared:)
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Friday, May 28, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The End...
of Peyton's First Grade year as we know it...
I can't believe he's done. WOW! They grow up sooooo fast.

Bring on Summer...we're ready...
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have such a smart (and cute) kid,
PS...I don't remember the last day of school being mass chaos, but apparently, it was. Not sure who ran out of the school faster...the kids or the teachers!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Thursday, May 27, 2010 0 comments
Mama Kat's Writers Workshop subject for today:
Who are you giving a time-out to?
The answer: Me, Myself and I.
I'm taking a time-out for myself (before I lose it...really)!
April and May have sucked! Big time. SO GLAD THEY ARE OVER (almost).
So, since I'm placing myself in time-out, I get to choose where this timeout will take place...I choose: Destin! The beautiful snowy white sands and emerald green waters of Destin.
Of course, in order to get out of time-out, there are several things I'll need to do:
First, I have to pack a really large bottle of Coconut Rum and Strawberry Margarita Mix in order to enjoy a nice Cocorita on the beach (yep, that's my name for this homemade drink I've been drinking lately)!

Second, I have to see my Mom! Ok, I really NEED to see my Mom! She decided to leave me by myself for two weeks while she toured Alaska -- really, what was she thinking leaving me alone to have no one to vent to for two weeks.
Third, I have to give my Granddad a hug. He's had pneumonia (pair that with a really bad heart) and it scares me, so I want to go see him and give him a big hug.
(Us and my Granddad at Chris' wedding...he LOVES the beach!)
Fourth, I'm going to send my MIL, husband and boys off on a deep-sea excursion for about ummmm 7 days...ok, not really 7 days, but even just 1 day of lying on the beach, by myself, with no one around is a perfect time-out for me!

Fifth, I'm going to live in my swimsuit (covered up by the cover up) and not do my hair or makeup for a week -- yahoo! Let the curls be curls...leaving the flat iron at home.

Lastly, I'm going to take the time to get my perspective back...remembering what really matters in life, what doesn't matter, and how truly blessed we are (this thought, of course, has nothing to do with the fact that I watched My Sister's Keeper last night)!
So, with that being said, let the time-out begin!
PS...Anyone notice that every picture on here has something to do with the beach...I think my self-imposed time-out can't come soon enough!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Thursday, May 27, 2010 4 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
It's Tough...
being a "girly girl" in an "all boy" world!
Tougher than I ever imagined.
Warning: there's a tiny pity party about to happen, so stop reading here if you don't want to join my party...but trust me, the party gets a whole lot better by the end!!!!
I must first say that until today, I've NEVER REALLY thought about all of this...
For whatever reason, today is the day that I realized just how tough it is being my "girly girl" self in my "all boy" world. All this thought process began because I'm trying to re-do my blogsite design with new colors, patterns, etc... and I'm torn. Torn between keeping MY blogsite (dedicated to my boys) somewhat girlish with a lot of boy OR just going all girly with a little bit of boy. Brown counts for boys, so throw in a little pink, orange, green and that makes it boyish right??
So this got me to thinking...about how it's tougher than I ever imagined.
People always tell me that I need to have a little girl because I'm such a girly girl. BUT, the truth is, I like being the only princess in the family -- not like I get treated like a princess (most days I feel like Cinderella before she met Prince Charming) -- but I'm the only princess nonetheless.
AND, I can't imagine not having boys. I can't imagine life without my little favorites! In fact, if I was told today with absolute 100% certainty that I could have a 3rd boy, I'd have a 3rd boy and never even think twice!
But today, for whatever reason, I want a little pink in my life...
Honestly, I knew I was in trouble the day I found out Peyton was a girl, then...a boy -- all within 15 minutes. Thoughts shifted from ballet pink to little boy blue. Then it hit me even more when my Mom and I went shopping for the first piece of baby clothing, only to realize 1/4 of the store was for boys, the other 3/4 of the store for girls. I chalked this up to "saving money."
When the boys were babies, I could get away with being a girly girl by dressing them in the cute smocked outfits, adorable little shirts with their names on them, footed jammies and matching little shorts sets. In fact, I used to tell Brent (whenever he would say something about their outfits), "I get them until they are 4. After that, they can wear polos and khaki's for the rest of their lives. For now, they're mine to dress them however cute I want." Then the day came that they REFUSED to let me dress them in "Bailey Boys" and oh good grief, I can't even remember the name of the store that literrally took thousands of dollars from me -- Strasburg (I actually had to google it to recall the name -- it's a sad day). Four years old came way too fast for me. I still struggle with the decision of what color polo I can dress them in to make our picture look cute. Shoot, these days, it's hard to get them in anything other than a t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. Crocs are about the extent of cuteness -- heaven forbid they have to dress up in polos and khakis for church -- within five minutes of being home, they've ripped off those clothes and are right back in their play clothes. Even jammies aren't cute these days -- Sponge Bob and Star Wars...yay cuteness!
What I really need to know is how to get my boys in some pink??!!
It's tough not being able to buy cute $5 ribbon bows. It's tough not being able to buy super cute shoes. It's tough not being able to buy pretty little sundresses. It's tough not being able to buy the ADORABLE little Lilly Pulizer dresses. It's tough knowing that I'll never be able to buy flowers for a little ballerina for her recital, talk about how stupid boys are, help her get ready for cheerleading tryouts or write my "legacy" letter to my sorority when she's ready to go through rush. I think I'll just chalk all of this up to saving money:)
Instead, I'm a girly girl living in an all boy world -- baseball bats and gloves, karate uniforms, soccer shin guards and cleats. Monkey in the middle, wrestling matches, tickle fights, who can run the fastest races, who can burp the loudest or well, I'll let you guess what kind of competition comes next.
I'm sure if I had a girl, she'd be exactly opposite of a girly girl, knowing my luck!!!!
Cute swimsuits, piggy tails and tutus will all just have to go on existing without me buying a one of them -- again, saving money! For now, I'll just buy a new color polo and try to coordinate it with one of my super cute Lilly dresses (mental picture: me all dressed up in my Lilly dress sitting on one of the boys fighting with him to put on his matching polo shirt -- it happens!)
Pink madras, polka dots and paisleys will all just have to be worn by me. Stripes, camo and super heros are very much in my day-to-day world. Lush, floral pictures are replaced by hunting-shirt, farm pictures (see Dina pictures as an example).
Bottom line, the Lord knew I needed boys. He knew what he was doing when he gave me my favorites. He knew I needed to save money (so I can pay for dates later on down the road). He knew I needed to sweat while sitting out at baseball and soccer games. In fact, he knew I needed to have one in karate so I could work out while my little one is learning to beat up other kids.
The Lord knew drama would be too much for me. The Lord knew my life would be completely boring without boys in it. The Lord knew I would need to laugh more and let go of perfectionism. The Lord knew I would need the hugs and kisses of two little boys to keep me going each and every day. The Lord knew I wouldn't have time in the mornings to do my hair and the hair of a little girl.
Couch jumping, counter climbing, pillow fighting, leg sweeping, ball chasing, mud digging, dog loving, video game playing little boys is what the Lord decided I needed to have.
And I can still have my pink and eat it too:) Granted, they might have to wear a pink shirt every now and again!
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have to be creative with color coordinating my blog page,
PS...Which one (see below)...I can't decide...Imagine the Dina pictures paired up with this or if you like one of the other's I can color coordinate -- polos for the boys with something of mine:)
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Monday, May 24, 2010 2 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Sunday, May 23, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Dont's...
of soccer...
I took my camera to the Soccer fields in hope of getting some good photographs of Palmer playing Soccer. Not. Today.
Instead, I shifted the camera and caught (on memory card) Palmer demonstrating all the don'ts of Soccer...
Don't #1 (and this is a biggie)
Don't step on your teammate! It's not nice!Don't #2
Don't be the one kid on the wrong end of the field...everyone else is at the other end.
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Tuesday, May 18, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day...
is supposed to be a day of love. kisses. hugs. relaxation. joy.
"Supposed to be" are the key words.
Not this day. Not today!
Brent gets a free pass on Valentine's Day, but after today's epic failures, I'm kind of sure he gets the idea that he (and the boys) do not get a free pass on Mother's Day.
Note to Brent -- giving me an unsigned Mother's Day card bought at Publix the day before Mother's Day does not count as "effort." Asking (instead of just doing) if he can cook me breakfast for Mother's Day when he has NEVER made breakfast in the 10 years we've been married does not count as "effort." Getting up at 7 a.m. with the boys and then going back to bed 30 minutes later after I've showered does not count as "effort."
I know I should be this Mom that just thoroughly enjoys my children no matter what, but today was the day when all they did was fight with each other, aggravate each other, complain about everything and just DRIVE ME INSANE. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MY CHILDREN UNCONDITIONALLY, but what I've learned is that Mother's Day -- at the end of the day, is just like any other day when little boys are involved! Or, maybe I've done something wrong in the fact that my children don't respect this day for what it is "supposed to be." Oh wait, that's Brent's job to teach them about Mother's Day...I think he got the hint that next year, Mother's Day is not just an ordinary day. One day of the year when Mom's get singled out for all they do.
We won't remember these pictures as Mother's Day 2010 pictures. We'll remember these pictures as the "year my boys learned that they do not get a free pass on Mother's Day" pictures!

And even as a 35 year old, Mother's Day is just not the same when you can't be with your Mom. I would have given anything to go to lunch with her today!
I wouldn't trade being a Mom for ANYTHING in the world. I would, however, like to have a "power switch" for my boys!
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to know that next year's Mother's Day will be AWESOME,
PS...The best part of my day today was when Brent apologized for messing up today.
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Sunday, May 09, 2010 1 comments