night on the last day of 1st Grade.
Peyton lost his first two teeth...WOW! After months of being asked, "When am I going to loose a tooth?" it finally happened. TWO IN ONE NIGHT. Of course, the two happened, because Brent pulled the WRONG tooth the first time (luckily it was ready to come out, just not quiet as ready as the RIGHT tooth)! We were actually kind of shocked that Peyton let Brent pull the second tooth, considering he got the wrong tooth the first time.
Of course, me being me, I tried to capture it all on camera (in between gagging at the site of watching Brent pull the tooth and seeing the blood). I wish I was like my friend Sarah and could handle the blood, etc..., but I can't so, I tried to get pictures1 without really looking at what I was aiming at...makes sense right?!
Here's the action:

My baby isn't a baby anymore! His top 2 teeth are loose won't be long now. I guess getting those Dina pictures done back in March was a really good idea!
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have captured all of this on film (and to have had the cash at the right time when I needed it),
PS...I never carry cash, but I've been keeping a $5 tucked away for this very night. YAY me for being prepared:)
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