It's been a while (ok, two months) since my last post. So much has been going on that I just haven't had time to update this the way I should be.
So, here's a quick run down (with pictures) of our lives from the past two months...
Spring Break ~
We went home for Spring Break and took the boys to an FSU baseball game. My old stomping ground!!! Besides being outside on a beautiful (yet cold) day, the boys managed to eat their way through the game!
Dina Ivory Picture Day~
It's been 3 years since Dina photographed our family. While I would love to think that I am a great photographer, sadly, I'm not. So, we headed out to Dina's Farm and somehow managed (I suspect it was her fast finger) to get some great photos. We captured (for possibly the last time) all of Peyton's baby teeth in tact and little Palmer at the wonderful age of 4!

Opening Day of Baseball Season~
It finally arrived -- opening day of baseball for Peyton. As part of the Brentwood Astros, Peyton is killing the ball. Now, if only we could get him to run (fast) to the base...And oh, to add craziness to the schedule, we now have karate, baseball and soccer games every Saturday!

Easter Weekend, April 4, 2010
Brent's mom needed help painting her house and since Good Friday made Easter weekend a 3-day weekend, Brent went to Destin to help his Mom. So, it was just the boys and me for was kind of sad not having Bren there, but we somehow managed to survive without him. We spent Good Friday by having Peyton's best friend Cannon over to spend the night (as an early 7th birthday celebration)...we managed to go to McDonald's (a treat for the boys), see
How to Train Your Dragon and go to Chuck E Cheese. We also made Rice Krispy treat Eggs!
On Easter Sunday, we went to church then after nap time (a necessary for Mommy after being up at the butt-crack-of-dawn with two little boys anxious to see what the Easter Bunny left them), we had our first Easter Egg was a ton of fun!

Peyton's 7th Birthday~
It's crazy to think my baby boy, my favorite firstborn, turned 7 years old. After a little persuasion, we decided to forgo the big birthday party and save that money for a Disney or Beach trip, so we had Cannon spend the night, spent all day partying and then capped it off with a day that began with a Krispy Kreme Doughnut Cake, a Cupcake party at school, dinner at Logan's (chosen by the birthday boy himself) and a trip to Toy's R Us for two boxes of Legos and a DS game (after a little persuasion on Mommy's just took a little convincing that he could spend $150 on one box of legos OR he could get two boxes of legos and a DS game for the same amount)...I think he had a great birthday (of course having your birthday announced on the loud speaker at Toys R Us just topped it all off)!

And yes, I do wake him up at 5 a.m. EVERY YEAR!

Client Strategic Visits~
I'm pretty sure I brought this idea up to our team and somehow, I've been the only one to do these trips...3 trips in 3 weeks...back to back...Bryan, TX (of course, flying on a leer jet is pretty cool), Washington D.C. and Bowling Green, KY (2 times in one week)! These trips are killing me, but at least I have a job and a fun one at that...with great clients. Would you ever think these groups are attorneys???!!!

Room Redo~
Finally! It's only been 3 years that I've been planning this. When we first moved in, we painted the room chocolate brown and blue. Of course, I loved the colors, but could never find the right bedding. So, I finally found bedding that I liked (thanks to Pottery Barn) and wouldn't you know, painting the room a different color had to be done. After weeks of begging, Brent finally started the project. He still has to build the bed (yep, there's a really cool blogsite that shows how to make Pottery Barn furniture -- Once that's done though, I get to decorate and then hopefully we'll have a nice and peaceful relazing bedroom! I miss the blue and brown, but our "hotel room" color seems to be warming up on me (Peyton called it a hotel room)!
On May 1st and 2nd, Nashville received more than 13 1/2 in. of rain in just two days. It rained a lot. It rained hard. We've never seen that much rain. EVER! We never thought it would flood the way it has over the past week. Who knew that 13 1/2 in. of rain could make rivers and creeks rise 30 feet above flood level and literally devastate a town. It's been crazy! The boys have been out of school for a week. Brent and I pulled together this past week to take the boys to work with us. Thanks goodness for great friends and neighbors...they've helped us so much this past week. On Monday, Palmer and I (he went to work with me) walked down to the point where the Cumberland River crested (at the exact time it was cresting) just two blocks from my office! Thankfully, our house was fine. We live on a hill and other than a minor roof leak (because of all the rain), we came out good. Brent's 101 year old great grandmother and her 90 year old sister lost their home in the flood. It's so sad, but a blessing in disguise, as they needed to be in a nursing home! Now, they are in a nursing home thanks to Brent's Aunt and Uncles that came to
find them a place to live. They left today after staying with us since Tuesday while trying to find them a new place to live and literally, throwing out everything they owned and trying to replace it all.
This flood has taught us that Nashville is a wonderful community. The people are helpful, kind and willing to do what is needed to help others and get things done. It's a sad time, but one that will be overcome but beautiful people willing to help and rebuild! Going through something like this has taught us sooooo much about life in general.
Federal Emergency, 1,000 year flood. WOW!

Turkey Hunting~
Life has been crazy. So Brent hasn't had much time for hunting. The man is going to drive me crazy if he doesn't get to go soon! Turkey hunting this, Turkey hunting that...good Lord...get that man a turkey.
I woke up at 7 a.m. this morning to look out the window and see Brent walking through the backyard with a turkey in his hand. Of course, my early-riser, Palmer, joined him out in the backyard and they both posed for a picture...
Amongst the flooding and craziness of this week, life still somehow goes on. Karate, soccer and baseball all in one day. While at the soccer field, I decided to take pictures...they pictures for the day were Soccer Dont's!!!! Don't pull your shirt of your head, don't pick the grass, don't do a somersault during the game, don't step on your teammate, don't hang on the net, don't pull up your shorts and show everyone your undies. Oh my Palmer...he somehow manages to make everyday interesting!!!!

Mother's Day is tomorrow, so more pictures to come...
Is it June yet? Summer Camps and pool time are sooooo much better than the school year!!!!
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have a crazy, beautiful life,
PS...Since we've lived in Nashville, we've had the hottest Summer on record, the most snow on record and the most rain on record. Kind of tired of "records."
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