being a "girly girl" in an "all boy" world!
Tougher than I ever imagined.
Warning: there's a tiny pity party about to happen, so stop reading here if you don't want to join my party...but trust me, the party gets a whole lot better by the end!!!!
I must first say that until today, I've NEVER REALLY thought about all of this...
For whatever reason, today is the day that I realized just how tough it is being my "girly girl" self in my "all boy" world. All this thought process began because I'm trying to re-do my blogsite design with new colors, patterns, etc... and I'm torn. Torn between keeping MY blogsite (dedicated to my boys) somewhat girlish with a lot of boy OR just going all girly with a little bit of boy. Brown counts for boys, so throw in a little pink, orange, green and that makes it boyish right??
So this got me to thinking...about how it's tougher than I ever imagined.
People always tell me that I need to have a little girl because I'm such a girly girl. BUT, the truth is, I like being the only princess in the family -- not like I get treated like a princess (most days I feel like Cinderella before she met Prince Charming) -- but I'm the only princess nonetheless.
AND, I can't imagine not having boys. I can't imagine life without my little favorites! In fact, if I was told today with absolute 100% certainty that I could have a 3rd boy, I'd have a 3rd boy and never even think twice!
But today, for whatever reason, I want a little pink in my life...
Honestly, I knew I was in trouble the day I found out Peyton was a girl, then...a boy -- all within 15 minutes. Thoughts shifted from ballet pink to little boy blue. Then it hit me even more when my Mom and I went shopping for the first piece of baby clothing, only to realize 1/4 of the store was for boys, the other 3/4 of the store for girls. I chalked this up to "saving money."
When the boys were babies, I could get away with being a girly girl by dressing them in the cute smocked outfits, adorable little shirts with their names on them, footed jammies and matching little shorts sets. In fact, I used to tell Brent (whenever he would say something about their outfits), "I get them until they are 4. After that, they can wear polos and khaki's for the rest of their lives. For now, they're mine to dress them however cute I want." Then the day came that they REFUSED to let me dress them in "Bailey Boys" and oh good grief, I can't even remember the name of the store that literrally took thousands of dollars from me -- Strasburg (I actually had to google it to recall the name -- it's a sad day). Four years old came way too fast for me. I still struggle with the decision of what color polo I can dress them in to make our picture look cute. Shoot, these days, it's hard to get them in anything other than a t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. Crocs are about the extent of cuteness -- heaven forbid they have to dress up in polos and khakis for church -- within five minutes of being home, they've ripped off those clothes and are right back in their play clothes. Even jammies aren't cute these days -- Sponge Bob and Star Wars...yay cuteness!
What I really need to know is how to get my boys in some pink??!!
It's tough not being able to buy cute $5 ribbon bows. It's tough not being able to buy super cute shoes. It's tough not being able to buy pretty little sundresses. It's tough not being able to buy the ADORABLE little Lilly Pulizer dresses. It's tough knowing that I'll never be able to buy flowers for a little ballerina for her recital, talk about how stupid boys are, help her get ready for cheerleading tryouts or write my "legacy" letter to my sorority when she's ready to go through rush. I think I'll just chalk all of this up to saving money:)
Instead, I'm a girly girl living in an all boy world -- baseball bats and gloves, karate uniforms, soccer shin guards and cleats. Monkey in the middle, wrestling matches, tickle fights, who can run the fastest races, who can burp the loudest or well, I'll let you guess what kind of competition comes next.
I'm sure if I had a girl, she'd be exactly opposite of a girly girl, knowing my luck!!!!
Cute swimsuits, piggy tails and tutus will all just have to go on existing without me buying a one of them -- again, saving money! For now, I'll just buy a new color polo and try to coordinate it with one of my super cute Lilly dresses (mental picture: me all dressed up in my Lilly dress sitting on one of the boys fighting with him to put on his matching polo shirt -- it happens!)
Pink madras, polka dots and paisleys will all just have to be worn by me. Stripes, camo and super heros are very much in my day-to-day world. Lush, floral pictures are replaced by hunting-shirt, farm pictures (see Dina pictures as an example).
Bottom line, the Lord knew I needed boys. He knew what he was doing when he gave me my favorites. He knew I needed to save money (so I can pay for dates later on down the road). He knew I needed to sweat while sitting out at baseball and soccer games. In fact, he knew I needed to have one in karate so I could work out while my little one is learning to beat up other kids.
The Lord knew drama would be too much for me. The Lord knew my life would be completely boring without boys in it. The Lord knew I would need to laugh more and let go of perfectionism. The Lord knew I would need the hugs and kisses of two little boys to keep me going each and every day. The Lord knew I wouldn't have time in the mornings to do my hair and the hair of a little girl.
Couch jumping, counter climbing, pillow fighting, leg sweeping, ball chasing, mud digging, dog loving, video game playing little boys is what the Lord decided I needed to have.
And I can still have my pink and eat it too:) Granted, they might have to wear a pink shirt every now and again!
Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have to be creative with color coordinating my blog page,
PS...Which one (see below)...I can't decide...Imagine the Dina pictures paired up with this or if you like one of the other's I can color coordinate -- polos for the boys with something of mine:)