came to visit!!!!!
Every family has some kind of tradition...something they do every year. As our family has grown, we've struggled with finding our own traditions. Somehow, we're starting to have some of our own and we didn't even mean too!
My fear of "Mall" Santas has definitely worked out for good. Having a Santa come to our house is one of those Christmas "traditions" that our family has created. One that is our very own tradition! I love having Santa come to our house the Sunday night before Christmas. I love that he spends an hour with the boys talking to them, reading to them and playing with them. I love that one day (I hope) my boys will look back and have the fondest of memories of Christmas and the Santa visits. I hope to continue this even when the boys are older and don't believe!
Until then, this is huge for them. It's huge for us. He's the sweetest Santa ever! He's a true Christian man and truly enjoys what he does. He's got real hair, a real belly and a real beard (Palmer knows...he was playing with it).
It's wonderful getting to see the boys interact with him. Peyton reading him his wish list. Palmer playing with his hat and hair. Little Ava screaming because she was scared and Big Sister Sophia showing off her non-stop grin! It's precious and classic!!!
We are truly blessed to have found this wonderul Santa. To have the Rudolph family join us for the Santa visit. To have my Mom here to enjoy it and experience it!

Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to have found this wonderful, precious Santa,
PS...thanks to the Nashville Junior League for introducing us to this wonderful Santa!
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