Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Brent and Peyton are currently touring three states while bumming off of family all along the way...ok, not really, but dang sure close...

Saturday, Dec. 26, 2009 ~ Nashville, TN to Florence, AL
They started our on Saturday afternoon by leaving Nashville and going to Florence, AL. In Florence, they stayed with our cousins the McGee Family. Brent couldn't wait to show them the huge deer he got. They are such a sweet family. Brent enjoys spending time with them and so the boys! They live in a hunter's "dream" world...4 wheelers, lots of land, guy toys galore! They were so excited for Brent that they offered to mount his deer for him. How awesome is that??!!

Sunday, Dec. 27 ~ Florence, AL to Mobile, AL
Anyway, on Sunday afternoon, they left Florence, AL and headed south to Mobile, AL where they stayed with Memaw and Lynn for the night. Gypsies I say!

Monday, Dec. 28 ~ Mobile, AL to Pensacola, FL and Destin, FL
After an evening with Memaw, on Monday morning they headed east to Pensacola where they stopped off to visit Gran the Man, Mike and Karla and Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Linda. After a quick visit fulls of hugs, they headed East, again, to Brent's Mom's house. They ate oysters and drank beer and enjoyed an exciting evening at his brother's house with sis-in-law, niece, Kira and nephew, Dylan. Dylan and Peyton had a sleep over at Meme's house (stayed up to almost midnight) and then slept till 9:45 (I know for a fact Peyton has never done that before)!

Tuesday, Dec. 29 ~ Destin, FL to Lamont, FL
Today, they departed Destin and headed East, again, to Grandma and Granddaddy's house where they are going to spend the night. Peyton will get to see Grampy B. and Brent will get to see our beloved Farm...When I last talked to them, Peyton was opening Christmas presents and Brent was happily sitting in his deer stand.

Wednesday, Dec. 29 - Saturday, Jan. 2 ~ Lamont, FL to Tallahassee, FL to Nashville, TN
After an evening with the Grans, Brent and Peyton plan to go hunting together, then west to Mom's house...where they'll stay until Saturday -- they'll come and go, back and forth to the Farm and Grans house, but WOW! what a great trip.

In the meantime, little Palmer and I are stuck here in Nashville working and going to school. Dang! someone has to earn a living in this house:) If only work was a little slow this week...it's been crazy this week. As I said before, Christmas seems to be just a bump in the road this year!

I've banned any cooking this week, so Palmer and I have a "kids eat free" plan -- each night we'll eat at a different location offering "kids eat free." Yep, that's our plan. And on Friday, New Year's Day, Palmer and I are going to see The Princess and the Frog. And, since we've (I mean I've) banned all cooking, Cracker Barrel is going to be serving our New Year's Day meal. I'm not above having someone else cook the New Year's Day meal. If I can't eat Mom's meal and I can't (won't) eat mine, then Cracker Barrel will have to do!

What a week. Half of us touring several states and the other half working hard. What's wrong with this picture?

Truthfully, I'm happy for Brent that he gets to spend time in Florida and happy that Peyton got to go with him. Palmer asked me tonight when he gets to go with them...I said maybe next year, when you are 5. Let's hope:)

Beautifully Blessed and Truly Thankful to be spending a week alone with my favorite sweet baby,

PS...Beggars can't be choosers. I'm begging Mom to send me back Barnarby's Pizza! And, I have to note, why are children totally different children when the siblings are gone?