Before I recap the weekend, I have to admit a big, huge mistake that I made -- on Thursday, I stopped at Target! BAD IDEA!! Why??!! Because I bought the 4th book in the Twilight series. For whatever reason, I felt that I could actually buy the book and not read it for another four days...yeah. right. On Thursday night, I had a crap load of things to do -- laundry, floors, bathrooms, grocery store, etc... Ask me! Go ahead..."Did you do any of those things?" Truthfully, only the laundry! Everything else, my sweet hubby did. He did it all: bathrooms, floors, baths for the boys. Shoot, he even fed the boys (ok, so when I tried to take credit for this, Brent replied, "All you did was put the pizza in the oven. If it were up to you, the pizza would have been burnt to a crisp and the boys would have gone without dinner.")! I was useless Thursday night, with the exception of reading 200+ pages in my book. Apparently, I needed a break. Not like me to usually slack on stuff like this!!??
Anyway, we were ready (thanks to Brent) for the Dad and Grandparents to arrive. I left work early on Friday to go to the grocery store (which should have been done prior to this, but Twilight got in the way)! It was going to be a weekend of cooking.
After hugs and kisses, we all got ready to go to Peyton's Friday night baseball game. He did so good-- totally showing off for the Grandparents. Then we went back to the house and ordered Pizza and watched the FSU Baseball game. Fun times. We were all tired.
Saturday morning came way too soon. After a huge breakfast, we loaded up the bikes and went to the park -- the boys have so much energy! We managed to sneak in a quick nap, and then it was time for Baseball...again! The last game of the season. Each little boy got a game ball. It was cute. This game, however, was a little rough on Grandma. She had to go back and rest -- this was a wake-up call. My grandparents are getting older. I felt like crying when my Granddaddy, a man that has survived two triple by pass surgeries and now has a very weak heart told me, "I've been feeling my age lately." This coming from the man that has never felt his age. I could have cried, instead, I just tried to be happy that the boys were getting a chance to spend time with them, and they were able to see Peyton play baseball!
After this, we grilled out. Simply enjoying the time together. And then, their visit was over. So quick, yet so incredibly important. I realized, this was probably their last visit to see us. It is just too much on them. This brought tears. Makes me miss home something terrible!
We did get some great pictures that we will always cherish. We will always remember this visit. It was a moment in time that we will never get back. And the best part, my Grandparents (very much from the South) gave me a great compliment -- I turned out to be a great wife and mother -- I'm a good cook, a good housekeeper and good hostess -- coming from the South...what a great compliment (I think:))!
TRULY BLESSED to have had this time with my family. A great weekend for all! One we will not forget!
PS...Sunday was spent by the pool (with a few naps in between)!
PS...Sunday was spent by the pool (with a few naps in between)!
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