Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturdays with "The Storm"...

The Storm Story...

November 27, 1999 -- My Wedding Day -- Well, actually (and obviously), these pictures were taken before the days
of "The Storm." This is my MawMaw and these are the last pictures I have of her and I together (and thankfully of my mom, her and I). Today is her birthday. She would have been 77 -- it's funny, it's hard for me to imagine her at 77. I miss her. I miss her cooking. I miss her laugh. I miss her talking over me. I miss her. She looked so pretty at my wedding! I was so lucky to have her there. I'm the only grandchild that got to have her at my wedding. I wish she could have met the boys. She would have LOVED them. At least I have my memories!

Thanks for letting me share my favorite pictures of my MawMaw...Happy Birthday MawMaw!