work...that's what I'm going to call this!
With one little boy out of school for a snow day (due to an "expected" snow storm), one little boy who's school is closing early (but not sure at what time due to the "expected" snow storm) and a husband that is out of town, it would have been sooooo easy for me to call out for a snow day. But, I didn't. I sucked it up and went to work with one with me and the other going to be with me at some point...ugh!
For the first time EVER, my office closed early (Thank You Lord!)! It took us an hour to get home (thanks to the snow and roads), but we made it home safely. After a 3 hour nap (yep, we must have been tired), we woke up to this:
The Snow Storm like no other. Nashville hasn't seen snow like this since the early 1990s.

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