Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday's with "The Storm"...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Saturday, May 30, 2009 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
One word...
That is the sheer simple reason I haven't updated the blog since last week!
I'm addicted to this series of books. It has become an obsession. One that needs to end soon. I need sleep. Reading till 11 p.m. every night does not accomplish the sleep need. Not to mention the fact that I am sure my family might be feeling a little neglected!
I bought the first book and read it in a week. Then I discovered the movie...watched it 3 times within about 24 hours (thank goodness it was a rainy day outside). Then I bought the second book, read it in two days -- 600 pages. I am not sure if that qualifies as "sad" or "weird!"
I must clarify -- I don't like blood and gore. These books are a love story where one of the main characters just happens to be a vampire. No blood or gore! Plain and simple...a very sweet love story!

So, in an earlier blog, I know I said there would be no baseball for Palmer and I, but since Brent was out of town, we ventured out and took Peyton to his game. Surprisingly, Palmer did great. I was even able to get some pictures of my favorite firstborn playing..intensely. He is just so cute in his little uniform (with sheer determination on his face)!

This coming weekend is Brent's 40th birthday! He'll be 40, but rest assured...he doesn't act it (and that's ok...that's why I married him. Ok, sometimes it's aggravating, but I knew it going in)!
Stay tuned for pics of the party!
TRULY BLESSED to have holiday weekends where I am able to spend time with my family (and enjoying a favorite hobby -- reading)!
PS...Forgot to mention that I also read another book this was for work, so it doesn't count as "pleasure reading."
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Wednesday, May 27, 2009 2 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Shutterfly Sunday for May 24, 2009...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Sunday, May 24, 2009 1 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Saturdays with "The Storm"...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Saturday, May 23, 2009 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My Mom...
1) Sleeping with her when I was little (until my Dad came home from work). 2) Her coming to get me from a sleepover when I decided I didn't want to stay. 3) Watching Dukes of Hazzard and Dallas with her on Friday nights, including the night she went into labor with Chris. 4) Coming home to her when my brother was born (I had to stay with my grandparents). She was so happy to see me and I was really happy to see her! 5) Her being so proud of me after dance recitals (I still remember the one where I slapped her -- I was tired -- and she didn't get mad). 6) Teenage years -- those were a blur...I'm sure I remember something good:) Oh yeah, her going with me to dance competitions. There was more, I was just a stupid teenager. 7) We had braces at the same time. I always complained. She never complained. She's still like that. 8) Christmas' when every present was right, but wrong. 9) Her going with me to celebrate my 21st birthday. 10) Graduating from college and how proud of me she was. 11) Going with me to do wedding stuff -- our only fight was over the food -- funny now that we think about. 12) Her reactions when I told her I was pregnant with the boys...priceless! 13) Her staying up all night waiting for Peyton to arrive. She stayed in the room with me when Brent needed a break. 14) Her walking around Thomasville with me on the day Palmer was "supposed" to be born and then both of realizing, I probably didn't need to be doing that. 15) Her helping us all the time when the boys were little -- especially staying with us for the first week after they were born. 16) Her leaving me by myself with both boys -- right after Palmer was born. I remember crying, saying "Don't leave." and her telling me "you will be fine!" Yes, I was 30 years old. 17) Her going with me to Peyton's first gymnastics classes to help with Palmer. 18) Her letting us live with her for three weeks until we moved to Nashville. That was a very stressful time, but she handled it well. 19) The way she had the "magic" touch with getting Palmer to sleep every night. He would melt in her arms. 20) Her helping us move to Nashville and then leaving...that was a sad day! 21) Her coming to visit us in Nashville and proceeding to give Brent and I a "break" from everything. 22) Her reassuring words of encouragement when Brent lost his job. 23) Our trip to Disney World (without Brent). Not only did she pay for everything, but she never complained and trust me, that trip would have given anyone a reason to complain. It was fun, but man, were we tired. TOOO MUCH! 24) Our conversation on the day her divorce was final! 25) Our trying to plan Chris' engagement. Planning, wrapping, schemeing, we had fun! 26) Her coming to the beach with us this past Spring Break. Fun times. Good times. Especially, the dive-in-movie night. 27) I love it when she spoils the boys and gives them Krispy Kreme doughnuts, coke and anything else that is bad for them. She has so much fun doing that. 28) I love the way she always made the boys look so comfy and cozy when they were little and sleeping. 29) I love her reaction when she opens "the book" on Christmas day. 30) Her face when she sees the boys for the first time in a while.
There are so many more favorite memories. One day, I'll try to write them all down!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Thursday, May 21, 2009 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Graduation Day...

from Kindergarten was today...(forgive me...deviating from the "United States" theme for a day)!
I can't believe it. This is such a cliche, but it seems like only yesterday that I left Peyton at his new school to start his first day as a kindergartner...and today, I watched as he ran to get his certificate declaring him a kindergarten graduate...He is moving on to first grade! I have a first grader (OMGoodness)!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Wednesday, May 20, 2009 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
My Brother...
Chris... or as I like to say, My Big, Little Brother! This is dedicated to you, my big, little bro...
PSS...Pretty sure I won't be asked to say anything at the wedding...I think this got me vetoed from any kind of wedding toast!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Monday, May 18, 2009 3 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My Uncle Allen...
January 24, 1951 – May 17, 2008
Clifton “Allen” Brock quietly and privately passed away at his home in Panama City, Fla. on Saturday, May 17, 2008.
At the young age of 17 and during the Vietnam War, Allen followed the path of his father, Eldridge Clifton Brock, by joining the U.S. Navy. He wanted to serve his Country, while also seeing the world, which he did – through the eyes of Orlando, Jacksonville and Pensacola, Fla., never to leave Florida. After being honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy, Allen lived in various towns throughout South Georgia and North Florida, including the wonderful town of Wewahitchka, before finally settling in Panama City, Fla., his home of more than 15 years.
Allen was a devoted son to his parents – In fact, he’s either fishing with them right now, helping them with the garden, or helping his mom, Emma Jean, put up some of the vegetables. He’s going to thoroughly enjoy his Sunday lunches. Barbara’s cooking was good, and he always enjoyed going to her house for special occasions, but as we all know, Emma Jean’s cooking was the best!
Allen was also a caring and aggravating brother to his siblings, Barbara, Maynard and Leola – After all, isn’t it an older brother’s job to love and aggravate at the same time. We know he enjoyed spending time with Maynard, doing things brothers love to do!
He was a wonderful uncle to his nieces, nephews and nephew-in-law, as well as his great-nephews – who today, are dressed in clothes Allen would have wanted them to wear, not the girly clothes Chasity would normally have dressed them in just to aggravate him!
Allen was also a dedicated employee and hard-working service-technician. He loved his job and his colleagues – we know they will miss him tremendously. We know it will be hard to replace him!
And lastly, as we celebrate Allen’s life, it must also be said that he loved to read. His love of reading made him a smart and intelligent man. In fact, he had quiet the talent for being able to eat and read the newspaper at the same time – it really is hard to do!
So, as we say “See You Later” to Allen today, we know without a doubt that in his own quiet way, he will be looking out for each of us, while “simply” enjoying the beautiful life he now has in Heaven!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Sunday, May 17, 2009 0 comments
Shutterfly Sunday for May 17, 2009...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Sunday, May 17, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturdays with "The Storm"...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Saturday, May 16, 2009 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Today was PJ Day...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Friday, May 15, 2009 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Musical Beds...

Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Thursday, May 14, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Shutterfly Sunday for May 10, 2009...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Sunday, May 10, 2009 0 comments
I wish...

You see, today, I've been able to say to the family "Today is my HAVE to do whatever I tell you to do without arguing or complaining!" So far, it's working (almost...)
Ok, so my Mother's Day started at 5 a.m. when little Palmer climbed in bed...proceeded by him coughing, sneezing and sniffling...GREAT (just when I had the thought that it had been a while since the boys have been sick). So much for sleeping in!
I'm not much for big to-dos, so we are keeping today simple...All I asked for this morning was "Peace and Harmony." Brent did a great job trying to make sure I didn't have to deal with arguments, etc... We took the cheap route for breakfast -- Cracker Barrel -- vs. my favorite restaurant of all time -- Cheesecake Factory! Nap, Pool and finally, Crockett Park for the Nashville Symphony Orchestra. Just spending time with a peaceful family is more than enough on this beautiful day!
Mother's Day is all about celebrating the joys of motherhood! I'll say it again, I am blessed!
I have a wonderful Mom! She is amazing! My inspiration! My Best Friend! I have a beautiful family filled with all boys...and I can't imagine it any other way! The Lord knew I needed boys in my life. They are happy, healthy and the joys of my life (sometimes a little spoiled, but oh well)!
What more could a Mother want? Here's to many more year's of celebrating Mother's Day!!!
Truly Blessed with the most amazing family on this Sunday morning, Mother's Day 2009!
PS...Pictures were taken this was as challenging as it looks:)
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Sunday, May 10, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
It's hard to do! I hate doing it!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Saturday, May 09, 2009 0 comments
Saturdays with "The Storm"...
Welcome to my newest blog addition...Saturday's with "The Storm."
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Saturday, May 09, 2009 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
So Proud...
of Brent!
This is a total shout out to Brent for being ranked #1 in his district and region (we got the news yesterday)!!!
This has tons of meaning...why you ask?
A while back, Novartis sent out a pamphlet giving details about the highly-coveted annual sales trip for people that are ranked in certain percentages (president's club, etc...). In the pamphlet, it details where the trip will be, who gets to go, awards given out, etc... This year, the trip is to St. John's Virgin Island. Spouses get to go. All expenses paid!
The one award Brent can possibly get is the "Rookie of the Year" award. He told his boss that "Rookie of the Year" award is his goal. Now his boss knows his goal. This #1 thing definitely helps! When it comes time for his boss to nominate someone, I pray he will write in Brent's name, since he knows this is Brent's goal.
We are so thankful for this accomplishment. I am so very proud of Brent...he is working harder than he has ever worked since we've been married! I want him to get "Rookie of the Year." He deserves it! We also deserve a trip to St. John's (or at least I think we do, given the fact our Honeymoon was not so great -- to put it nicely).
For years, Brent has done a great job at all of his jobs...I just really want him to be acknowledged! My prayer...please let him continue to do a great job, move up in rankings and be acknowledged for his hard work!!! If all things work together, who knows where this will lead..._____________ (feel free to help us fill in the blank)!
Truly blessed and so very proud of my hubby on this Friday morning,
PS...please continue to keep Brent and his job in your prayers!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Friday, May 08, 2009 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Our Blessings...

I love this saying! For Brent and our family, this is so true...
I had to write about this, as today was a huge reminder of how blessed our family is during this time when the economy...well, sucks!
Today, we got the terrible news that one of our close friends here in Nashville was let go from his job. Like us, his company moved him here. He received a promotion while here. He had been with the company for eight years. He and his wife have a four year old little girl and a 5 month old. And like us, they have no family here. When will this sadness end?
All of this not only reminds us to be thankful, but it also reminds me of the power of prayers and how great the Lord's timing is...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Tuesday, May 05, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Shutterfly Sunday for May 3, 2009...
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Sunday, May 03, 2009 0 comments
Palm Trees...

Not exactly sure why this is! I came to this realization last week and had to write about it.
It could have been the new Lilly Pulitzer book I got or it could have been the fact that when I asked if it was possible to plant a Palm Tree in Tennessee, I was told it wouldn't survive (I might have to try it anyway). Either way, I discovered that I need Palm Trees in my life.
They remind of me of Florida. Sunshine. Beaches. Salt Air. Beach Cottages. Simple things. Happiness. Laughter. Grilling Out. My children...yep, they even remind me of my children (hence the pictures above). Even Palmer has Palm in his name!
The Lord has us in Tennessee for numerous reasons, so for now, I'll have to miss Palm Trees. I think I will definitely appreciate them more. Their beauty and everything they stand for.
Isn't it funny that something so simple, can mean so much?
Truly Blessed (but missing Palm Trees) on this very rainy Sunday,
PS...I'm serious about planting a Palm Tree. Just watch. There will be one in my backyard!
Posted by Perfectly Phillips at Sunday, May 03, 2009 0 comments