You see, today, I've been able to say to the family "Today is my day...you HAVE to do whatever I tell you to do without arguing or complaining!" So far, it's working (almost...)
Ok, so my Mother's Day started at 5 a.m. when little Palmer climbed in bed...proceeded by him coughing, sneezing and sniffling...GREAT (just when I had the thought that it had been a while since the boys have been sick). So much for sleeping in!
I'm not much for big to-dos, so we are keeping today simple...All I asked for this morning was "Peace and Harmony." Brent did a great job trying to make sure I didn't have to deal with arguments, etc... We took the cheap route for breakfast -- Cracker Barrel -- vs. my favorite restaurant of all time -- Cheesecake Factory! Nap, Pool and finally, Crockett Park for the Nashville Symphony Orchestra. Just spending time with a peaceful family is more than enough on this beautiful day!
Mother's Day is all about celebrating the joys of motherhood! I'll say it again, I am blessed!
I have a wonderful Mom! She is amazing! My inspiration! My Best Friend! I have a beautiful family filled with all boys...and I can't imagine it any other way! The Lord knew I needed boys in my life. They are happy, healthy and the joys of my life (sometimes a little spoiled, but oh well)!
What more could a Mother want? Here's to many more year's of celebrating Mother's Day!!!
Truly Blessed with the most amazing family on this Sunday morning, Mother's Day 2009!
PS...Pictures were taken this morning...it was as challenging as it looks:)
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