He was so excited! In fact, for the first time in his little life, HE GOT DRESSED ALL BY HIMSELF!!!!
Last night, we picked out which jammies he was going to wear to school. At first he chose "Mickey Mouse," then I reminded him about his "Spider Man" jammies...and Spide Man won (thank goodness b/c the Mickey Mouse jammies are long sleeve and he would have been hot). So this morning, what did I do...I forgot it was PJ Day...I was very quickly reminded. In fact, the conversation went something like this: Me: "Palmer, let's get your clothes on." Palmer: "No Mommy, it's PJ Day and I get to wear my jammies today." Me: "Oh yeah, forgot...can you get your jammies on?" Palmer: "Yes Mommy. Thank you Mommy." HOW SWEET IS THAT?!
He got dressed all by himself. No complaining. Are we actually growing up? Out of the complaining phase? WOW! We made a big jump in maturity today. Will the 4s be the magic age for Palmer?
I told him on the way to school how proud I was of him (Palmer's Love Language is "Words of Affirmation.") In fact, I was so proud that I took his picture when we got to school. Jammies, Sleeping Bag, Puppy (and the silly little Aflac duck I got from work --it really quacks). He was ready for the day! I've been ready for this day...but now, I am almost sad that he is growing up!
Such a big boy! No babies in our house anymore!
Truly Blessed and so proud of my little man on this Friday morning!
PS...The other one had his first Field Day at school! He was so excited that he might get an award for being the fastest runner! Then he asked me, "Mommy, if I get an award, do I get a special surprise from you and Daddy? Maybe a box of Legos?" It's clear -- Peyton's Love Language is "Receiving Gifts."
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